How to make a easy homemade weight lose tea

This home made herbal remedies are more safe than chemical drugs. You can make this tea by using simple ingredients which are easily available-carom

In the help of losing weight you just have to add some detox drinks/herbal tea. These home made herbal remedies are more safe than chemical drugs. You can make this tea by using simple ingredients which are easily available - carom seeds, lemon, ginger, honey, which provides many nutritional benifets.


  • Ajwain (carom seeds) - 1 teaspoon 
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon 
  • Ginger - half inch 
  • Water - 1 glass 
  • Honey - as per taste 

Ajwain herbal tea in a cup
Ajwain( carom seeds) herbal tea


  1. Soak overnight 1 teaspoon of ajwain (carom seeds).
  2. Next morning , heat the ajwain (carom seeds) water in the pan.
  3. Add finely chopped ginger, heat until it come to boil and water reduce to half.
  4. Now strain the tea and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and honey as per your taste.

You can use this tea early in the morning before breakfast. In addition to this tea, you must drink 2.7 to 3.7 liters of water and also eat low fat food.

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